Spiritual Formation

Information > Conformation > Transformation

At Trinity, our understanding of spiritual formation has its origin in Genesis 12:1-3, where God set apart the nation of Israel to be formed into a kind of people who were to reflect God to the world, and in so doing, point the world back to God.

Christian spiritual formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and for the sake of others.
(II Corinthians 3:17,18)

Focusing on the deepening of one’s relationship with God.

Bible Study

We study God’s Word together to encourage each other in deepening our understanding of who God is and who He is calling us to be.

We have used a variety of resources and structure in our weekly Bible Studies, from Books of the Bible (James and Ephesians), to topical studies (Discerning the Voice of God, Living in Love and Unity), and Bible Characters (Elijah and Gideon).

We offer an evening and an afternoon study group.


A small group meets weekly via Zoom to pray for our congregation, community, and world.

Spiritual Disciplines

A small group meets to explore, practice, and share various Spiritual Disciplines, (Lectio Divina, Labyrinth Walk, etc.)