Sunrise on God's Kingdom

Sunrise on God's Kingdom


We seek a deepening of our life with God as we discover the Holy Spirit within us.
We desire
the Spirit’s renewal, empowering us to serve in the name of Jesus Christ.
We envision
the growth of the Body of Christ; at Trinity, in our community and around the world.


Our mission at Trinity is to be a Christian community that serves God,
worshiping, praying, and ministering together.  We will equip individuals to do God's work in the world and provide avenues to be witnesses to God's love through service to one another and to the community.

What we believe

GOD – We believe in one God—God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit—the infinite Creator of the universe who reaches out to humanity in love, grace, and justice.

JESUS CHRIST – We believe in Jesus, fully human, fully divine, our Lord and Savior. Out of compassionate love, Jesus came into the brokenness, chaos, sin, evil and death that we are unable to free ourselves from. He was unjustly accused, condemned, and cruelly killed on a cross. He was crushed by all that crushes us, but then did what we are unable to do, he conquered evil and death by physically rising from the dead. In relationship with him we can find wholeness, freedom and life at peace with God, ourselves, and each other, now, and into eternity.

THE HOLY SPIRIT – We believe that God sends his Holy Spirit to all people, to invite them into faith in Jesus Christ. For those who choose to put their faith in Christ, God's Spirit indwells us, making us living temples of the living God. The Spirit unites us in relationship with God, the Father and Son as well as with one another; and empowers us to share Jesus Christ’s love, compassion and justice with the world.

SCRIPTURE – We believe that the Bible is the holy Word of God revealing Father, Son and Spirit to us. It is the unified story of God that leads us to Jesus Christ. It corrects, encourages, and inspires us; it is our essential guide to our faith and life. We read it in humility and with faith relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding.

THE CHURCH – We believe that the church is a community of people who put their faith in the Resurrected Christ. Filled with God’s Spirit we regularly gather to worship and adore God the Father, Son and Spirit. The church, though obviously not a group of perfect people, endeavors to faithfully point to the perfect One, Christ Jesus.  We believe, that through the church, God continues to invite people into relationship with him, and brings the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to the world.

Presbytery of Seattle:  We join with other churches in King County.
Presbyterian Church USA:  We join with other churches across the country.